The jungle is full of stories. And so are the people who live in its shadows. Gather around a campfire and they will regale you with tales of the wild. Some true, some tall. If you love listening to these tales, we’ll make some space for you by the fire. Come, gather closer.
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Read MoreThe jungle is full of stories. And so are the people who live in its shadows. Gather around a campfire and they will regale you with tales of the wild. Some true, some tall. Stories about shy tigers and thieving bears, wise elephants and proud peacocks, close calls, false alarms and endearing encounters.
If you love listening to these tales, we’ll make some space for you by the fire. As the sparks fly and disappear into the darkness, you can hear a tiger moan in the distance. Auungghh…. Aummm… it’s ok if you shiver a little because it’s cold. Come, gather closer to the fire.