
The Elephant Express

But aren’t you scared of animals!!?? That is the round eyed question I invariably get when I tell city folks that I love walking in jungles. On cue, I ask them what they mean by “animals”. And it is always the same answer. Oh, Tigers and Leopards? As if these poor cats are waiting behind …

The Black Prince

It was a crisp morning in Singara, deep inside the Masinagudi forest. The Dec air had a slight nip to it and the first rays of light coming into the room had awakened me. We had seen elephant dung right next to our cottage the previous evening. So I gingerly opened the front door, being …

Spooks in our Jeep!

Beep, Beep, Beeeepppp…. The jeep horn rang out, jarring and shrill in the otherwise serene jungle. We had parked it off a remote pathway in the Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary and had walked almost 3 kms in the blazing sun to the river bed for our research work. The forest is not always cool and inviting. …

Abode of the Tigress

Ssshh… Was that a growl? Whispered someone, and we froze in our tracks! Our garrulous guide who had been talking nonstop until then fell totally silent and I thought he looked a little pale. The guy had been regaling us with stories of leopards and tigers in his backyard until now but had lost his …

Kids will be Kids


Kids will be Kids